La Capra - The Goat Metal Print

by Mimulux Patricia No

Product Details
La Capra - The Goat metal print by Mimulux Patricia No. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of a metal print. Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 1/16" thick aluminum. The aluminum sheet is offset from the wall by a 3/4" thick wooden frame which is attached to the back. The high gloss of the aluminum sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results.
Design Details
La Capra - The Goat
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Comments (9)
Artist's Description
La Capra - The Goat
edited photography
thanks to the model: my goat emma
About Mimulux Patricia No

i grew up in switzerland and south africa. later i returned to europe but soon moved on to south-east asia. i spent several years there and then returned to europe - where i also lived in various countries. recently i have lived in hungary for several years but for medical reasons i have been in switzerland on and off, well in 2017 that was still the case. now i am back permanently in my home country, switzerland. art has always played a great role in my life and i assume my travels and stays abroad have had a large influence on me and my art. i love to do traditional art, collages and mixed media mostly.. but also photography and digital art.. my style? wild, colourful, energetic... i would call it "naive symbolistic...
Sunil Kapadia
Marvelous! L/F
Mimulux Patricia No replied:
thank you Sunil :)
Sergey Taran
Nice picture!
Mimulux Patricia No replied:
thanks sergey :)
Antonis Gourountis
excellent and original !!! I like the dark moo d !!LF !
Mimulux Patricia No replied:
thanks a lot antonis :)
Kume Bryant
Fabulous!! vf
Mimulux Patricia No replied:
thanks kume :)
Alfred Motzer
Gorgeous Pat ..!! Vor allem durch die Schwarz-Weiss-Darstellung fühle ich mich an das Mittelalter erinnert wo man den Ziegen fast schon etwas Dämonisches andichtete ..!!
Mimulux Patricia No replied:
hallo alfred :) danke dir für den kommentar .. stimmt.. ziegen haben ja einen etwas schlechten ruf und und werden mit dämonen und beelzebub in zusammenhang gebracht. natürlich völlig zu unrecht! wie du schon sagst.. angedichtet hat man denen das.. aber spitzbübisch und sehr intelligent sind sie.. manchmal fast ZU sehr :)) eine gute woche wünsche ich dir :)
Dawn Senior-Trask
What a magnificent expression of this beautiful goat! Goats rate high in my family -- though it's one of the few animals we don't have now, my husband is still nostalgic about his goat Nancy that used to sprint up and over his dad's 1936 Chevy! Fantastic and captivating photo! l/f
Mimulux Patricia No replied:
thank you dawn :) goats are cool.. we have 4 of them.. this here is julchen :)
Lenore Senior
Spectacular, beautiful and moody work! Love this instantly! v/f and pin with acknowledgments.
Mimulux Patricia No replied:
thank you very much lenore :)
Dee Flouton
Great rendering-wonderful texture-magnificent pose!
Mimulux Patricia No replied:
thanks dee :)
Jessica Shelton
Wicked awesome!!!
Mimulux Patricia No replied:
thanks a lot jessica :)